Latest Press Realease April 2023 -
Water Right selected as one of the Top Soaker Hoses in the United States.
And proclaimed - the "Best Splurge."
Water Right polyurethane garden hose products have been featured in numerous publications, gardening blogs and lifestyle television shows including The TODAY Show, Martha Stewart Living, The Wall Street Journal, Town & Country Magazine, Sunset Magazine, This Old House (Top 100 New Product Award Winner 2012), The DIY Network's "Cool Tools," HGTV, Growing a Greener World - Joe Lamp'l, Men's Journal - Best New Turf Products 2014, Conde Nast Living - Outdoor Style, Fine Gardening, Woman's Day Gardening & Outdoor Living, Away to Garden by Margaret Roach (expert gardener, author and former editorial director of Martha Stewart Living), Garden Rant, Howard Garrett (The Dirt Doctor), Today's Homeowner with Danny Lipford, Woman's World, The Oregonian and more.